Tuesday 5 January 2021

I started,

I started,

After a long time since I started, 
I don't know I can do it or not, 
I also don't know why I am doing this,
but one thing I know is, 
I LOVE doing this.
Really it feels like, I am expressing myself in front of the huge crowd.
That's way I wanted to do thing blogging.
We will see where it take, what it takes.
So I will do blogs with the initially some learning from the 'PYTHON' also some learnings from the Books daily I read.
I will blog everyday, what I studied, also will blog about my reading, Hope you all like it.

So today's blog is about the Python module I read about, 
I am great fan of Python Programming language.
With Python Wonders can happened.
Python is RICH in the modules, Frameworks, Libraries.
I found one of them today.
Seems like a small but can do different thing using that.
Using 'turtle' we can do designs.

Getting inspired by that tried to create some design with a small code.

There are lot of predefined method with the turtle libraries.

I have created some designs with the turtle,

please do have a look:-  Code

So for the next blog I will pe planning some different , Stay tunned........


Punit Jain 


Something New

  This is the second time, I am interacting with you.  looking for something create these days working on something awesome,  Will get back ...